Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Is there a "Pet Owner's Anonymous" out there???
As Andrea's friend Doreen so wisely noted, "This is no longer about the kitty litter."
We, (Wasabi, Ginger, Andrea and Mommy, as I am known in the cat world) are 15 days into UltraPet's "Pet of The Month" contest and currently locked in a death struggle with an impossibly gorgeous Maine Coon named Lea. Ostensibly, the cat (or cats, in our case) who ends the month with the most votes, will be enriched with a year's worth of Ultra Pearls, the ultra-fancy kitty litter brand that my rescue-cum-elitist cats prefer.
Listen, you guys, it's a tough economy. Every little bit helps.
We made the semi-finals easily with the photo shown above. It looked like a slam-dunk for Team W&G. Many of you who read my blog were kind enough to vote when I sent out a mass mailing asking for your help. 98% of the cats in the semis had one or two votes at the most. Moral of this story? Don't count your kitty litter before it's in your litter box.
At the end of week #1 we were lulled into complacency with a substantial lead when competition popped up in the form of this obviously high class feline named Lea, owned by Don & Tammy S.(All owners go by first name and initial. . this is a top secret operation.) "They're power voting," Andrea hissed on one of our increasingly frequent phone calls regarding the evening's vote count. "What's with these people? Where are they coming from?"
"They're coming from out of the woodwork, that's where," I moaned. With our competitive juices now in full bloom, we both sprang into action to round up more votes for our team. Where to go now? We had already opportuned close friends, family and passing acquaintances. I considered asking the mailman whether he had an e-mail address. One day, I actually found myself ending a business e-mail to a client with brief instructions on how to vote. Fortunately, she was a cat person and understood the importance of the situation, but I realized that the situation was starting to get out of hand. Doreen was right. It was no longer about the litter. It was about family honor. It was about not letting that beautiful purebred take away the prize from my two little "hoods". It was about getting this damned contest over with already so I can get my life back.
OK, let's get down to business. We know there are more important things in your life right now, but brother, could you spare a vote? Just go to , Click on "Enter The Pet of The Month" contest. Click on "Vote here for the etc. etc. contest". A page of cat pics will open up. Scroll down five pics on the left hand column to W&G sitting like perfect statues on my shelves. Click on the photo and follow directions to vote. Most important!!! Once you vote, Ultra Pet will send you a validation letter to your e-mail. If you don't click on that e-mail to validate, your vote doesn't count. If and when you do vote, please let me know what e-mail you used so I can follow up from my end.
In closing, I would like to note that Wasabi, Andrea and I will be eternally grateful for your help in our quest for the cat version of the Heisman Trophy. I plan to cry copiously when we are awarded the first bag of litter. Ginger, on the other hand, really doesn't give a damn. . . .she knows she's the best. # # # #
Photo caption: Ginger (left) and Wasabi (right) display their interest in the fine arts by posing as sculptures on my shelves. If they break something, I will kill them both.