Friday, December 14, 2012

I adore Costco!

You can buy a car, a casket or a $95 bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon on the way to picking up six cans of tuna fish at a bargain price.

I'm serious about the casket.  In the North Miami store they have a lovely powder blue one on display.  I doubt it would fit into the trunk of anyone's car so I guess you will have to strap it to the roof to get it home.  And then where do you store it until needed?  In the garage?

The "significant other" and I made a trip to Costco today.  My shopping list consisted of a can of Kirkland coffee and a jar of my favorite Jelly Bellies, but then you already kmow that I don't cook.  Benard, on the other hand, manages to find somethng on every aisle and comes equipped with a cooler for the refrigerated stuff.  My job is to fill a plastic bag with lots of ice from the soda machine to pack around the lobster claws, fillet of salmon and rack of lamb chops  he has carefully selected. (My other job is to get two of every piece of sample food they are offering. . .one for me, one for him.  If it's really good, he sends me back for seconds.),

We generally finish off the hard work of shopping by ordering two foot-long hotdogs complete with extra sauerkraut.  (At $1.45 for both the dog and the giant cup of soda. . such a bargain!)

Take a look at the photo below.  That's Benard, finishing off his hot dog.  The car in back of him, over his shoulder, is for sale.  I think it was a Hundai.  How convenient!  We could have driven right out the front door.
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Random thoughts at the end of a productive day. . .

I'm never happier than when I have a writing job to do and am getting paid for doing it.  (The last part is what actually makes me happy.)  Today I am really happy!!!

South Florida's building industry is starting to return. . .ad agencies are starting to need professional writers again to write brochures, websites, etc. etc.  Here I am, guys!  Yeah, I'm still here! 

I've discovered a really interesting website called and just created a 12-month calendar of my great-grndson's photos for my grandson's Channukah present.  Hoping he'll hang it up in his office.  (And you thought great-grandmas didn't know how to use the internet.)

Final decision on my friend Marianne's naming dilemna for her new poodle puppy. . .drum roll please. . Intruducing Leo (as in Leopold) Pantin-Parrish.  Super cute and very hyper according to his Mommy.

Spent time at ArtMiami last week, that's the Miami side of Art Basel.  After viewing the work of some of the so called "emerging artists", maybe my paintings aren't so bad after all.  Right now I am working on a "commission" from my daughter.  See accompanying photo of Adam and Grayson walking together.  That's what I'm going to paint next.  (Obviously, she doesn't trust me with their faces.  I'm really good with back of the heads.)

That's as random as it gets, folks.  Happy Channukah and hopefully we all survive December 21st when according to the Mayan culture, the world will be coming to an end.  Damn, I still have several items on my bucket list.