I have never written a fan letter in my life but I am considering writing one to Dave Barry, the columnist. I’ve come to realize it isn’t easy being funny on a regular basis, and I have new respect for his ability to continually turn out marvelously funny columns on demand for so many years. They say most comedians are more like tragedians in their personal life but I can attest that Dave Barry is as funny in person as he is on the pages of the newspaper.
I had the pleasure once of sitting next to the columnist and his son Rob, who was a teen-ager at the time, at a Miami Dolphin game. Barry was a friend and colleague of my late dear friend (and two-time Pulitzer prize winner) Gene Miller. Gene had four seats on two rows, so Dave and his son were sitting directly in back of us. It was one of the few times I paid no attention to the game on the field because I was laughing so hard as the voice in back of me kept up a running, totally hilarious commentary, on each play as the game unfolded.
But back to being funny. The only person I know who really considers me funny is my childhood friend Judy. We met when we were six (she insists we were actually five, but she is wrong) and we still giggle when we get together. Judy visited me recently in Miami and we spent the day, just the two of us, at the Zoo.. We laughed our way through the various animal exhibits, collapsing in hysterics at the rhinoceros compound. Don’t ask me why, we just find each other funny. You have to know us to understand.
A few years back, someone suggested a game where you are required to ask your friend/spouse/partner to describe you in one word. After some thought, I described my significant other as “caring”. He thought for a minute and described me as “organized”. I was horrified.
“Organized!””, I shrieked. “What kind of description is that? I was hoping for “sexy”, maybe “stunning”, I’ll even settle for “smart”. But “organized”. . . .you gotta be kidding.”
“No,” he shot back. “I’m sorry, but you are one of the most organized people I’ve ever met.”
I think he meant it as a compliment even if it wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for. But the truth is, I am organized. My sign may be Llibra, but I have Virgo rising, which makes me a list maker. As my daughter will tell you, because she is cursed with the same problem, my lists are done in perfect outline order, starting with Roman numeral I, moving through capital A and down through arabic numeral 1 and small a. Nothing makes me happier than to be able to draw a line through a competed item on my list, and no day is truly completed until all the items have been crossed off, or if necessary, moved to tomorrow’s list.
I think it’s the result of 60 years of business life. Maybe now that I am semi-retired, I can get him to change his word. I’m afraid “gorgeous” is out, and I think I’m a little long in the tooth for “cute”. I believe I’ll work on “elegant”. A really “caring” man should agree to that, don’t you think???
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PS: The caption for this photo should read "Organizing Wasabi & Gimger". That's a joke, folks. . nobody could organize those two, they never saw a list they couldn't chew up and spit out, all over my rug.
I have never written a fan letter in my life but I am considering writing one to Dave Barry, the columnist. I’ve come to realize it isn’t easy being funny on a regular basis, and I have new respect for his ability to continually turn out marvelously funny columns on demand for so many years. They say most comedians are more like tragedians in their personal life but I can attest that Dave Barry is as funny in person as he is on the pages of the newspaper.
I had the pleasure once of sitting next to the columnist and his son Rob, who was a teen-ager at the time, at a Miami Dolphin game. Barry was a friend and colleague of my late dear friend (and two-time Pulitzer prize winner) Gene Miller. Gene had four seats on two rows, so Dave and his son were sitting directly in back of us. It was one of the few times I paid no attention to the game on the field because I was laughing so hard as the voice in back of me kept up a running, totally hilarious commentary, on each play as the game unfolded.
But back to being funny. The only person I know who really considers me funny is my childhood friend Judy. We met when we were six (she insists we were actually five, but she is wrong) and we still giggle when we get together. Judy visited me recently in Miami and we spent the day, just the two of us, at the Zoo.. We laughed our way through the various animal exhibits, collapsing in hysterics at the rhinoceros compound. Don’t ask me why, we just find each other funny. You have to know us to understand.
A few years back, someone suggested a game where you are required to ask your friend/spouse/partner to describe you in one word. After some thought, I described my significant other as “caring”. He thought for a minute and described me as “organized”. I was horrified.
“Organized!””, I shrieked. “What kind of description is that? I was hoping for “sexy”, maybe “stunning”, I’ll even settle for “smart”. But “organized”. . . .you gotta be kidding.”
“No,” he shot back. “I’m sorry, but you are one of the most organized people I’ve ever met.”
I think he meant it as a compliment even if it wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for. But the truth is, I am organized. My sign may be Llibra, but I have Virgo rising, which makes me a list maker. As my daughter will tell you, because she is cursed with the same problem, my lists are done in perfect outline order, starting with Roman numeral I, moving through capital A and down through arabic numeral 1 and small a. Nothing makes me happier than to be able to draw a line through a competed item on my list, and no day is truly completed until all the items have been crossed off, or if necessary, moved to tomorrow’s list.
I think it’s the result of 60 years of business life. Maybe now that I am semi-retired, I can get him to change his word. I’m afraid “gorgeous” is out, and I think I’m a little long in the tooth for “cute”. I believe I’ll work on “elegant”. A really “caring” man should agree to that, don’t you think???
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PS: The caption for this photo should read "Organizing Wasabi & Gimger". That's a joke, folks. . nobody could organize those two, they never saw a list they couldn't chew up and spit out, all over my rug.
No wonder you and mom get along so well with Amy, she's a list maker also. Currently there is a list on our fridge of things she wants to get done while on spring break. However, it isn't in perfect outline order. Maybe that is something that comes with years of list making experience. Me on the other hand, I just go where the list maker tells me to go. It's the perk of having list makers for a mother, grandmother, and wife.