Thursday, October 6, 2011

Setting the record straight. . .

Kim Kardashian and I helped to set a Guiness World Record this morning.

Well, to be specific, Kim did it mationally on the Today Show,and my friend Sheila and I did it at the Coral Gables Congregational Church Pre-School as part of our Thursday morning stint for United Way's "Reading for Literacy" program.

We were a small part of a huge annual effort to set a world record for the most people reading the same book on the same day. The book that thousands of readers around the world were tasked with reading was "LLAMA LLAMA RED PAJAMA" by Anna Dewdney, and the copy that each of us was handed was imprinted with a logo that read "READ FOR THE RECORD". I don't believe you'll find it on the New York Times Best Seller List. . on the other hand, there must be a helluva lot of copies floating around out there.

I don't know how Kim enjoyed the book, but the kids I read to every week loved it. They had a llama mixed up with a camel, but I assured them they were first cousins in the animal kingdom. I tried to explain to them about the Guiness Record business, but that went right over their heads. In their world, a record is something you use to play music. Or so they informed me.

We were supposed to turn our book in to the teacher when we finished reading, but I begged to keep my copy so that I can read it to the pre-kindergartener that means the most to me. That would be my great-grandson Grayson. He's only 5 1/2 months old at the moment, but I know he's going to love it.

Grayson is one of the lucky ones. His Mommy and Daddy read to him all the time. United Way is determined to bring the love of reading to pre-K kids that don't enjoy that important advantage, and Sheila and I are enjoying being part of that effort.

By the way, the Baby Llama in the book is a real cry baby. .the kids thought that was hilarious. War & Peace, it wasn't.
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