I know I've been blog-silent for over a month, but that's because I've been busy honing my non-existent kitchen skills, due to the fact that daughter Andrea is convalescing here in my apartment.
As most of you know, either from personal experience or from past blogs, I haven't actually cooked a meal in 17 years, dating back from when I first met the "significant other". Prior to that date I was every take-out place's best customer. That is, if I wasn't eating in a restaurant with (take your pick) husband/friend/date/business associate. In other words, cooking was never my thing, whether married or unmarried.
Revisiting my kitchen has been a interesting experience. I am adept at making my morning coffee and when absolutely necessary, applying heat in the microwave. That's about it. Nowadays I can broil a pork chop, blend up a protein shake and fry an egg with aplomb. . .once I remembered where the frying pan was located, that is, not to mention how to turn on my fancy stove with its convection oven and figure out how the blender works. My appliances, especially the dishwasher, are all in shock. (See photo. . a truly rare sight!!)
Andrea, thank goodness, is feeling stronger every day. Not so surprisingly, she is now doing most of her own cooking, and I am once again enjoying life as the "designated eater" at Chez Benardo. I do, however, venture into Publix on a regular basis these days, brandishing the list Andrea provides. Since my former shopping method was to go straight to the Cat Food aisle, and maybe make a fast stop in the Dairy department for some yogurt before exiting quickly, I now travel up and down the aisles seeking exotic items like dill pickles and tartar sauce. .things that have never before seen the inside of my refrigerator. Talk about sticker shock! Who knew food costs so much? Take my word for it, this is a whole new world for moi.
Guess it doesn't matter how old your kids are. I may have missed out on the cooking gene, but being a Mom seems to be embedded somewhere in your DNA.
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