Saturday, July 9, 2016

It's mango chutney time! Chop. Chop.

I've been a walking guide at The Kampong, the former home of renowned horticulturist Dr. David Fairchild, for several years now, but the weather has gotten so hot that tours have been suspended for the summer.  The Kampong, located in Coconut Grove, has been a well kept secret, but with the advent of Groupon, it's becoming a very popular tourist spot.

Dr. Fairchild was responsible for introducing the mango into the United States, bringing back various species of the fruit from his many worldwide expeditions during his time as Chief of the Plant Introduction Department of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  He used a good portion of his Miami home's 7 1/2 acre property as a "laboratory" for his various finds, and as a result, The Kampong has an extraordinary collection of very fruitful mango trees.  Thus, the need to do something with each year's huge crop.

The answer?  Mango chutney, of course .  Unbelievably delicious .  If you're not familiar with it, you don't know what you are missing.

That's me cutting away.
I got the call to please come by this Friday and help with the chutney production.  Just the chopping, not the actual cooking.  (They know better than to ask me to do that.)  At the end of two hours, I was chopped out, or rather my hands were screaming "No mas!  No mas!" 

I promised I'd return to help with the labeling of the jars, once the cooking was completed.  And to collect my payment for all the heavy chopping. . .my own jar of the best chutney you ever tasted.

On my way out, I soothed my aching hands by stopping at the Lotus Pool for a second and photographing this gorgeous lily in full bloom. 
#   #   #

Just a small sample.

Cooking time.

Soothing the senses.

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