Monday, November 28, 2016

Some things have to be said. . .

I decided this morning to count how many presidents there have been since I was born.  I remember my Father saying that I was born the day the stock markets crashed in 1929, and that Herbert Hoover was the president at that time.  According to Google, there have been 14 presidents from Hoover to Obama, with Trump being the 15th when he is inaugurated in January.

My parents were both born in the United States of immigrant parents.  They taught my sister and me to have the utmost respect for the leader of our country, and in truth, since my first vote for Adlai Stevenson over Dwight Eisenhower, I have always totally accepted whomever is elected, regardless of whether they were Democrats or Republicans.

I am having a problem with Donald Trump.  I want him to stop tweeting stupid things and start to act presidential.  I want him to understand how important his new position is to the people of this country, whether they voted for him or not.  So far, he's acting more like he did on "The Apprentice".  Actually, I wish he'd say "You're fired!" already to Kellyanne Conway, who is really starting to piss me off.  I am a confirmed feminist, but her disrespect for Mitt Romney (who I also didn't vote for), is totally uncalled for.  We understand you are rooting for Rudy Gulianni, but don't be so obvious.

I have never used my blog for political purposes, but this morning, after hearing about Donald's tweets about "Millions of fraudulent votes that was the only reason Iidn't win the popular vote", I'm having a hard time marshaling that "respect" my parents taught me.

I'm hoping I'm wrong and that he will eventually rise to the role.  (Or at least he'll stop tweeting.)
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  1. As we grew up, FDR was the only president we knew. He was a real father figure!

  2. P. S. Trump is to FDR what Harpo Marx was to Lawrence Olivier.
