Thursday, August 14, 2014

Some wisdom from Maya Angelou

I've always admired Maya Angelou.  So when a friend sent me an e-mail this morning with a series of her remarkable quotes on life in general and women in particular, I had to pass some of them on to you, my faithful blog readers.  (Even if you're a guy and not a girl, they're still worth reading.)

I've selected some that reflect my own thoughts on the situation and particularly appealed to me.  Let me know if you agree!

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE.. . a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age. . .

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE. . .a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.. .

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE. . one friend who always makes her laugh. . and one who lets her cry. . .

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE. . a feeling of control over her destiny. . .

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. . how to fall in love without losing herslf. .

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. . when to try harder. . and when to walk away. .

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. . how to live alone. . even if she doesn't like it. . .



Way to go, Maya. . .you were one amazing lady!  Thanks for the memories.

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