Monday, July 23, 2018

Do you believe in fate???

Most of my blog readers know that I am the official cat description writer for the Charlotte Humane Society's website.  I show up, usually on Monday afternoon, and "interview" the new cats, taking a quick photo of the information card on the front of each cage giving the names of the cats inside, then taking an equally quick photo of the cats themselves so I will recognize who I am writing about when I get back home.

I do the writing on my computer on a site called Vestafy that ultimately places the descriptions on the actual HSC website.  Vestafy is where I find the names of new cats that need descriptions and yesterday I was amused to find that one of the new kittens has been named Joan.  It's not unusual for the staff member who does the naming to use names of people working at the Society, so I was just amused and couldn't wait to meet my little namesake when I arrived there today.

When I asked where I would find the cat named Joan, I was pointed to the cages in the Main Lobby.  That's when I got my first glimpse of the name card on the cage. 

Now let's talk about fate. . . or maybe coincidence.  I met my dearest and closest friend when we were 6 years old.  We grew up together.  We lived in the same apartment house. . me on the first floor, she on the 4th floor.  We went to college together.  She introduced me to my first husband, and I introduced her to hers.  (OK, so we both got divorced and remarried, but we stayed BFFs).

Her name was Judy.  Mine is Joan.

My dearest friend Judy passed away a few years ago, but I am still in touch with her husband, Leo, her daughter Nancy and her son, Stephen.  I think she was sending us all a message.

I'm still mind blown at the coincidence.
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Joan on the left.  Judy on the right.