Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New York, New York. . .it's a helluva crazy town!

You know who's home.
Once upon a time I was a true New Yorker, actually living and working in that amazing city.  But I've been a Floridian since arriving in Miami in 1957 with a five year old daughter, so occasional trips back north are always an adventure.

Which brings me to my holiday trip to that wild and crazy city for New Year's.  Paul and I flew into JFK on the 29th for four days of fun that included tickets to "Front Page", an extraordinary Broadway show that featured Nathan Lane, John Slattery and John Goodman.  We also ventured on the subway down to visit One World Trade Center.  The view from the 103rd floor was breathtaking.  We visited the awe-inspiring Memorial Museum on our last trip to the city.  Sad, sad, sad.

When I say wild and crazy, I'm talking about 5th Avenue, especially anywhere near Trump Tower.  Forgeddaboutit.  Barriers everywhere.  Police inspecting your handbag before allowing you to walk down the street.  The Christmas lights on the buildings along 5th were fantastic but the crush of human beings was almost unbearable.  We found ourselves taking side streets to gain a little space, until the day of New Year's Eve when those crosstown streets, all the way up to Central Park, were closed off to traffic and it was not possible to get around by cab or Uber and we had to hoof it back to our hotel.

It's a good thing I wasn't planning to do a big shop at Tiffany's.  Located next door to The Donald's building, it is literally impossible to approach without pushing through hordes of tourists camping out in front of his building. 

Yes, New York is amazing, but to be truthful, I'm happy to be back in Miami.  Hope you all had a great holiday.
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View of Central Park from our hotel room.
Great fireworks on New Year's Eve!
On the subway to One World Trade Center

Fabulous Christmas tree at The Met

Our favorite spot, the bar at our hotel.  I'll drink to that!

Tiffany, all lit up