Saturday, August 15, 2015

Mixed emotions. . .

I received an invitation in the mail today.  It came from something called "The Alliance for Aging" and it invited me to attend the "2015 Positive Aging Awards Nominee Reception".  I don't know whether to be horrified or flattered.

Let me start by saying that I have discovered I am "my Mother's daughter" when it comes to volunteering.  It must be in my genes, because most of you are aware that although I am only semi-retired and still do free lance writing for clients, I also spend a lot of time volunteering for various non-profits, one of which is the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired.  I tell you this because I was recently informed by friend and Lighthouse CEO, Virginia Jacko, that they have nominated me for the 2015 Volunteer Award.

My first reaction was "You gotta be kidding. Why me?"  Good question.  I guess because my donation to this very amazing institution is a monthly on-line blog called "Light Line".  I totally enjoy writing it and have been doing so for over a year.  Much to my amazement and their delight, it seems to have brought the Lighthouse into the social media world and resulted in increased financial donations from the more than 4,000 people who receive it on the their computers every month.

I am much too vain to not wince at the "aging" aspect of the award, thus the "horrified" feeling of the situation.  I am sure there are many more qualified "oldies" out there who will take top honors for their volunteering efforts.  On the other hand, I can't help thinking, "Wouldn't Mom be proud."
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My Mom on her 85th birthday with my sister Fran and me.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Something to think about. . .

The Today Show this morning talked about the fact that there are really three types of people. . introverts, extroverts and ambiverts.  I never heard the word so I looked it up on Google, and sure enough it's "Someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion."  Who knew???

On second thought, I realized I qualify for that category. . .in business I was always an extrovert, able to carry on conversations and be comfortable in all sorts of situations.  In my personal life I tend to be less friendly, less extroverted.  I'm not one to strike up a conversation with complete strangers and I'm notoriously a poor chatter on the telephone. My daughter Andrea complains that I always sound like I'm ready to say good by, two seconds after I say hello.  I always marvel at my friend Sandy whom I say can "talk to the wall" if no one else is around. 

One of the signs of an introvert, according to the Today Show, is a person who enjoys being alone. I confess. I am very happy to spend time by myself in my home, although in my mind I'm actually never really alone with my two cats, Wasabi and Ginger, close by. Give me a good book, a handful of fruit flavored jelly bellies, and today's Miami Herald crossword puzzle, and I'm a happy camper.  That's definitely my introverted side.

Funny, I never really thought about it before.  Should I make an effort to be more friendly?  I'll have to sleep on that.
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My two best friends????