Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Mother would be so proud. . . .

I've joined something called "The Writer's Table" at our local public library.  I found out about it purely by chance when I was attempting to pay a significant late fee on the 600+ page book I just finished reading for my book club's next meeting.  (I am not a slow reader but I do have a life to lead and that was a helluva long book.) 

Waiting in line late Tuesday afternoon, money in hand, I picked up a flyer about the group and realized it took place that very evening.  You can't say I don't make quick decisions.

Our leader is Jane whose day job is Children's Librarian at my branch library. Not to worry, we are all adults around the table, at least so far.  When I arrived at 6:30, Jane was sitting with a youngish man named Mark, an English and math teacher/tutor I learned, and a budding novelist and blogger with his first book well underway. Next came Adrienne, also an educator in real life, followed by Lolly and Teresa, the latter currently crafting a fascinating website titled the

Writing a book is a solitary commitment.  I've often thought about writing one over the years,but somehow never got around to it even though writing has been a major part of my business life and still keeps me in the pr/advertising loop.  In all honesty, I think I am intimidated about the whole idea.  I really hate failing.

Maybe this Writer's Table group will give me a new perspective on the subject.   Don't expect Hemingway or even Danielle Steele.  More like a pale immitation of Dave Barry if he was born a female and spent the last fifty years as a pr maven.

By the way, while I was being sarcastic in the headline of this blog, my Mother actually was an excellent writer all her life.  I am quick to credit my "writer's gene" to her. . .it is truly the gift that keeps on giving.  Thanks, Mom.
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Photo:  Coconut Grove Branch, Miami Dade Public Library

1 comment:

  1. Glad I've met you, Joan. Looking forward to sharing our work with each other. And thanks for mentioning the pixel and the egg. It's still an embryo but I hope to get it walking and talking very soon. See you next week.
