Saturday, July 19, 2014

About growing old. . . . .

I've got to applaud the opening lines of a column in today's Miami Herald by a lady named Gina Barreca who is an English professor at the University of Connecticut, a feminist scholar, a writer of eight books and a columnist for the Hartford Courant.  It goes like this:

"I've lived my life with enthusiasm, courage, raucousness and passion.  Why on Earth would I want to grow old gracefully?"

Here, here, Ms. Barreca.  I'll drink to that!  Growing old gracefully is one of those phrases that we've heard so often we've come to think that must be the way to go. Sorry guys, sitting quietly on the sidelines, becoming contemplative and introspective while watching the rest of the world go by, just doesn't appeal to me.  As Ms. Barreca goes on to say, "Not only am I not going gentle into that good night, I don't plan to go gracefully into that late afternoon!"  In other words, I'm still here, folks. I may be an octogenarian these days, but I intend to live my life to the fullest as long as the good Lord and good health allows me to.

That's the reason why I truly enjoy volunteering and why I don't mind blowing my horn about the    fact that I continue to get paid to write websites and brochures for clients who find me on my website.  As I've mentioned many times before, my Mother's "writing gene" is the gift that keeps on giving!

After a certain age it is said that you finally become the indisputable authority on the subject of yourself.  I agree.  I am an adventurer.  Always have been and guess I always will be.  Never want to stop learning.  Never want to stop meeting new people and discovering something wonderful and interesting.

 It may not be graceful, but it's my personal version of how to grow older.  You know, I think I really will drink to that!
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Photo caption:  84 1/2 and counting.  Photo taken at Miami Lighthouse event two months ago.

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