Thursday, January 4, 2018

A message from the North Pole. . .

If you were wondering how my life has changed since moving from Miami to Charlotte, the attached photos of my shoes speak louder than words.  The high today, here in Charlotte, was a not exactly  steamy 32 degrees, and believe me, my closetful of very fashionable open toed sandals haven't seen the light of day for quite a few months.

I loved the cold weather in my skiing days when I wore thermal underwear under my ski suit and at night topped it with my long-since-sold, politically incorrect, full length mink coat.  My new purchases, in addition to the wonderfully comfortable and warm fur topped boots in the photo, include a black wool scarf and a knee length, hooded coat lined in deliciously snuggly fake fur.  And believe me, I'm loving having all of them.  So much for my five decades of life in tropical Florida.

The weather is actually gorgeous, with the sun shining brightly and not cloud in the sky.  Until you step outside and put your hands on the freezing cold steering wheel of your car.  I swear my little classic 1999 Lexus coupe is in a state of shock and making sounds I never heard before.

Keep warm, everybody, and belated Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!
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1 comment:

  1. Jo, welcome to weather on the south side of 50 degrees.. believe me it isnt that bad but u might want to invest in an automatic starter for your car to warm it up before u get in it during these months.. hang in there much love from boston
