Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oh how I wish I had my camera with me this morning. Here's the picture I would have taken.

Driving home through Coconut Grove, as I waited for the traffic light to change, I found myself staring at a sight from days gone by. . a mounted policeman. Except this officer of the law, astride his elegant, coal black horse, wasn't leading a parade or even directing traffic. He was trotting down the street busily talking on his cell phone.

The juxtaposition of the classic horse and modern technology struck me as a powerful metaphor for the crazy world we live in.

What made me smile was the fact that if the light hadn't changed, I probably would have whipped out my own cell phone and taken a picture of the policeman talking on his. Then I would have forwarded the photo with a few clicks to several friends. Maybe even posted it on YouTube. Geez, if I know how to do something like that at my age, can you imagine what the kids are capable of these days?

I am constantly amazed at the amount of electronics that have entered my life. Just this afternoon I found myself explaining to the significant other how to set up his expenses on Excel. He loved the idea you can add the columns with one click, especially since he's been doing his own spread sheets by hand for umpteen years. I am a notably poor adder, so having the computer do it for me is a real plus.

The Today Show recently did a segment on a family that went without all electronics in their home for six months (They could use them at school and at work.) I trust they were paid well for the experiment, because a half year without tv, computer, or cellphone. . that also precludes Netflix and the LA Times crossword-puzzle-on-line, I presume. . .doesn't sound like much fun to me.

I have to go now. My cell phone just beeped to tell me that one of the four strangers I am simultaneously playing Scrabble with, has completed their move. This guy has an interesting vocabulary. The last round he posted the word "feces". I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

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