Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This has been a crazy summer. . .

My luck knows no bounds.

In addition to being one of five finalists in the Fancy Feast Tastemakers contest (and by the way, thanks for all your votes. . we'll know the results in mid-August) this week I was informed, via e-mail, that I have won the UK/BBC National Lottery! And I didn't even know I had entered.

According to the initial e-mail I received from a gentleman named David Brown,my e-mail address was magically plucked from millions to come up with the numbers 16 - 20-21 - 24 and 06 for something called Thunderball on July 28th, resulting in my winning ONE MILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS. (I have a feeling that's the way they say it in Nigeria.) Anyway, I have a very gorgeous and colorful "Winning Certificate" that came attached to the e-mail to prove my rare good luck. (see photo in b&w.)It came along with urgent instructions to contact their bank immediately to arrange for payment. I'm thinking of having it framed, along with one of those Great British Pounds, but I'm not holding my breath.

There's a wonderful joke about the man who looks to the heavens and pleads "God. . help me win the lottery." God thunders back. "How about helping me and buy a ticket." I do venture a dollar for a Quck Pick on the Florida lottery when I find myself in Publix every once in a while, but so far the message seems only to be getting through to a God in Great Britian.

I've turned it over to the lawyer in our family, my grandson Adam. Told him he could have a half million of those Great British Pounds if he could figure out a way to outcon these con artists. I sense a lack of urgency on his part. Can't imagine why.
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