Thursday, November 1, 2012

Who let the dogs out. . . .

It was Howl-O-Ween at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden yesterday. . .the once-a-year time when dogs are welcome in the Garden, and they came by the droves, ranging in size from miniature Yorkies to elegant standard poodles. and gorgeous Labrador retrievers.

When Benard and I climbed into the tram cab to begin our 10 o'clock tour, we were greeted by
close to a dozen four-pawed guests, sitting bright eyed and bushytailed on the tram seats, looking for all the world like they couldn't wait to hear us dispense fascinating bits of botanical information.

I cracked up.  Whipped out my iphone camera and began clicking away.  Believe it or not, these doggies were better behaved then some of the guests we've had on tours.  Not to mention that I don't generally insist on kissing my visitors on the top of their heads.

Our "dog day" wasn't over after leaving Fairchild, however.  We have a new "Paw Park" here on the island where I live, and while we don't have a lot of little kids, we definately have lot of little dogs.  (There's a weight limit of 25 lbs for a pet here.  Benard's cat, J.W. Rosenblatt, is in serious trouble of exceeding that limit, but that's another story.)

Word was out that Halloween was being celebrated, dog style, at our Paw Park at 5pm, with cookies and water for four-footed guests, and cupcakes and wine for the two-footed variety.  My friend Sheila and her dog Henry were dressing for the occasion, so Benard and I decided to attend and represent Grove Isle's feline fanciers.  (That's us guys who own cats, not dogs.)  My appropriate mask (see photo) was courtesy of  my nail tech, Kathy, who happened to be wearing it when I had my nails done during the afternoon and I snatched it off her head.

OK, so I'm a little long in the tooth to be enjoying dressing up for Halloween, especially since I just celebrated another birthday, but here's a secret. . . .in some ways, I'm still a little kid.  And I had a ball.
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Photo captions:  Dogs at Fairchild on our tram, ready to be fascinated by my tour!!!  The lady in the cat mask is moi. . that's Benard enjoying the fun. .

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