Sunday, August 27, 2017

I'm back! Let's talk about stress. . .

Moving, they say, is the second most stressful thing you can experience. Thirty years of stuff accounts for a helluva lot of stress, I'm here to tell you. But here's the good news.  The OCD side of my brain made it imperative that every box be unpacked and every picture and painting hung.

The fact that my cats, Wasabi and Ginger, kept looking at me like "When are we going back home,Mom?", didn't help the situation, but now, exactly three weeks to the day after arriving in my new Charlotte, NC apartment, I am actually starting to feel at home.

Wasabi, trying out my new desk.
There is no Publix in the area, but I can find my way to Harris Teeter Market without getting lost. (I keep calling it Harris Tweeter, to my daughter Andrea's great amusement.)  I bought myself a Garmin GPS for my car and promptly returned it to Best Buy because I couldn't even attach it to my dashboard, much less figure out how to program it.  Thanks to Google Maps on my iPhone, I'm not doing too badly, thank you, although without the ocean to let me know where East is, I have absolutely no idea what direction I am heading.

Yes, I miss Miami, and all my friends, but as those who know me well will understand, I'm a great one for moving on. . this time to a whole new life in a whole new place.  I'm already looking into volunteering at the Mint Museum and am planning to help out at the Charlotte Center For Abandoned Animals where there need help bottle feeding some 50 rescued kittens. That's right up my alley!

I'll continue to write the monthly blog for the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and probably be doing writing for Andrea's marketing firm.  And I'll continue Musing, so don't count me out, cause I'm still very much here!
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Ginger, surveying the new surroundings. 


  1. A window or dash mounted compass is a cheap addition to your car if you don't have one built into your window.

  2. ... if you don't have one built into your rear view mirror.
