Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Moving on. . .

Tomorrow's "moving day", guys. . .it's goodbye to Grove Isle and thirty wonderful years in this remarkable place, and hello to my new digs in Charlotte, North Carolina, close to my daughter, Andrea.

Sunday night my dear friends Virginia Jacko and Gill Freeman hosted a fabulous farewell party for me that was very touching and gave me a chance to say goodby to a whole host of friends and neigbors.  I've made a mental list of the things I will truly miss about my life since arriving in Miami from Mt. Vernon, NY, with a five year old daughter, in 1957.

. . .the view of the sun rising over Biscayne Bay when I wake up in the morning
. . .volunteering as a tram guide at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden every Friday morning
. . ."Wine Down Fridays" at the Dog Park every week. . I represent the cat owners of Grove Isle
. . . the great friends I have made here at Grove Isle and throughout my pr career in Miami
..... my dear new love, Paul. . .not so new, it's more than three years now.

To you, my blog friends, I'll most definitely keep on blogging.  Give me a little time, (probably at least a month) to get unpacked.

So, bye for now. . .like what's his name always says. ..I'll be back!
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