Monday, December 12, 2011

Every dog has his day. . .

A whole bunch of dogs had their day here at Grove Isle on Sunday. Never realized there were quite so many canines living in our midst,although I am on first name basis with several tail waggers from my morning walks around the island.

Sunday at 11:30 was the official dedication of our new, first time ever, on-site dog park, named the Mary Carner "Paws Park", in honor of our late friend and neighbor who was an activist in securing the bayside bow-wow accommodation. There was champagne and cupcakes, plus bags of treats for four legged guests,(courtesy of Pets Mart, they recognize good customers when they see them)as our City Commissioner Mark Sarnoff presented a fancy gold embossed declaration to Mary's husband, Steve, while a photographer and reporter from the Miami Herald looked on. The South Beach social scene has nothing on us.

Since I am a cat person and neither Wasabi nor Ginger expressed any desire to leash up and attend the event, I represented the family wearing my best cat tee-shirt to show my support. Grove Isle dogs don't have names like Spot and Rex. I'm on petting basis with Mila, Henry, Jake, Lolita, Lola, Bailey, Chloe and Oliver. Our condo docs specify pets no larger than 25 lbs. so they also tend to be small of stature but large of heart. Just ask their devoted owners.

Everybody was on their best behaviour, including the adults. I understand there's a move to hold weekly cocktail parties in the park. For the owners, not the dogs, I trust. I'm thinking of demanding equal time for cats.
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Photos: 1. Sheila & Henry, wearing his UM tee shirt
2. Sharon & Lolita watching the proceedings
3. The plaque at the dog park door
4. Commissioner Sarnoff doing his thing

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