Sunday, March 2, 2014

Early morning in Miami. . .

At 7:30 this morning, my friend Sandy and I were standing on a street corner in Downtown Miami holding up signs. Hers read "Go, Alli, Go" and mine read "Go, Ana, Go".  You have to have been a once-upon-a-time long distance runner to understand the importance of what we were doing.

Sandy was watching for her daughter Allison, and I was watching for both Allison and my grand-niece Ana, who has become the premier runner in our family. They were both running in the Michelob Ultra 13.1 Mile Half Marathon on an absolutely glorious day in Miami.   On hand also was Ana's husband Craig and their two youngsters.  Years ago, Craig's dad, my nephew Bobby, used to run in 10k races with me and my ex, so I get a real kick out of seeing this generation carrying the torch.

Once both women passed within minutes of each other, along with guys in tutus, couples running hand in hand, and one funny young man with Dr. Dribble written on his tank shirt, who was actually bouncing two basketballs in front of him as he ran, we raced back to our car and headed over to Miami Beach and the finish line..  Long distance runners are not normal people, folks, you have to have a very special competitive spirit to run 13.1 miles and still be smiling as you cross the finish line.  Both Alli and Ana were grinning from ear to ear.

Alli proudly wore her medal around her neck when we went for late breakfast with friends on Lincoln Road.  We both laughed out loud when she gave me a  close-up of the big round metal medallion with Michelob Ultra 13.1 prominently displayed on the front.   Michelob, the company that sponsors the run, need I remind you, is a very upscale beer company.  A second look at the medal and you suddenly realize it also doubles as a beer bottle opener!  Way to go, Michelob.  Congratulations, Alli and Ana!
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